Dolls-Nine Muses Chords

So I couldn’t find a good site with great chords for this song, so I made it myself. I didn’t tailor it to any specific instrument, so feel free to adapt if playig on guitar or any other instrument-I did this on the piano. Also feel free to use for personal use, but if you happen to do a cover pf it on youtube or something, make sure to cite this website please!

PS: first time publishing one of these! If you want more, comment any song!

Dolls-Nine Muses
Made by:Bethany Tan

F#m,Ab, E, Abm
E, Abm, Dbm, B
Abm, Ab, A, B

Verse 1 [Hyuna & Sungah]:
A, E, A, B, Db
F#m, Ab, Db
A, A, Ab, Ab

Pre-chorus [Minha & Sera]:
C#m, Ab, C#m
F#m.B, Abm, Db
A,B, Abm,Dbm
A, Ab

Chorus [Kyungri & Hyemi]:
F#m, B,E
F#m, Ab, C#m
F#m, B, Ab, Db
F#m, B

F#m, Ab, C#m
F#m, Ab, C#m
F#m,C#m, Abm

Verse 2 [Leesem]:
A, Ab, Db
A, A, Ab, Ab

Pre-Chorus [Minha & Hyuna]:
C#m, Ab, C#m
F#m.B, Abm, Db
A,B, Abm,Dbm
A, Ab

Chorus [Sera & Kyungri]:
F#m, B,E
F#m, Ab, C#m
F#m, B, Ab, Db
F#m, B

Rap [Euarerin & Eunji]:
F#m,Ab, C#m
Last line: F#, Ab


Chorus ×2 [all+ Sera at the end]
Gm, C, C, F
Gm, C

Gm, C, Dm till the end

My RAC Trip

So yesterday my class & Mme Lunden’s class went out of school for a whole day to do some kind things for people. I’m gonna tell the story part by part. Everyone went to different places.



8:40am-9:40am- Starbucks

We bought drinks for people with a gift card. When people were about to take out their money, we’d pop up and go “HI! I wouldn’t mind paying for that!” Only 2-3 people inside atr a time. So when I was outside, I was dancing on a bench. Lol

9:40am-10:40am-Random RAC

Tried helping out at T&T. Didn’t work. went to say happy valentine’s day at the food court at Coquitlam centre. Some lady bought all of us ice cream! We got RACed!

10:45am-11:30am-Panorama Heights Elementary School

Crafts with Mme Tetrault/ Mrs VanderBaeren. Made valentine crafts with them. Tetrault kids speak a lot of english cuz’ we’re supposed to speak french with them. But they’re Grade 1 so yeah. I made valentine cards for them with Taryn. Said hi to grade 5 friends and old teachers.


11:40am-12:40pm- Lunch at the Food Court

Got Vina combo 2. Had extra money for Quoola. I think it was 300g so it was 4.01. I got a brain freeze. funny right? Well it’s not.


12:45pm-1:50pm- Individual RAC

Went to Coquitlam city hall and poco city hall to give out brownies. We had extra time left so Ms. Chang bought us drinks! How nice! Just for that day, Starbucks had raspberry whipped cream! It was good!


2:00pm- 2:35pm- Parkwood Manor

Sang songs to the people there. And socialized. Although I didn’t have to sing cuz’ I was playing keyboard for everybody with Laura & Ben. Quite fun!




OK so today I asked my mom if I could go across the road to get the mail. She said yes. So I crossed the road, was so close to the letterbox, when I realized something; I didn’t have the key to our letterbox. Nice going, me. So I had to run back home, which involved crossing the road again and when I got to the house, I was out of breath, but laughing. My mom gave me a quizzical look, so I told her the story. And now this is why I need to remember things better.

If You’re Under 16, Do Get Get More Than a Small Size Cup of Coffee!

Hi Everyone!


Today I went to Starbucks. I got a Gingerbread Latte (which is quite good). So I thought that a Tall (small)size cup wasn’t enough. So i got Venti(Medium). So for the first 15 minutes,I was okay. 5 minutes later,I’m calling myself awesome-which is true-and that’s not all. My brother said that I probably shouldn’t have got Venti size cuz’ I was all hyper;Now here, “hyper” is the key word,Because suddenly, I started laughing-and laughing-and laughing-and so on. It only went away like half an hour later cuz’ I was draining my energy by jumping. From what I heard, I was really annoying during “The Coffee Extravaganza”.So if you’re gonna get coffee, DO NOT GET VENTI! Only get Venti for Tazo Teas and Frappacino’s.

                                                                                                                      -Bethany (a slightly crazy person)